Businesses exist for one simple reason: to solve a big problem. At the core of every great product or service is an unfulfilled need that reaches a big enough market. But it’s not enough to have a great idea that solves a big problem; behind each successful company stands a flexible team that can efficiently turn a vision into a growing business

We are teamed to solve problems, not just to become a business

Nguyen Tien Long (Ron)
Chief Executive Officer
Long has spent 4 years working in Japan for Rakuten Inc and Kayac Inc, Japanese giant internet firms. In Kayac, he mainly focused on working with various Japanese clients like Panasonic, JTB, a mobile application/game developer. What he had learnt is how to closely collaborate in team and how to work with customer to understand their needs. From Rakuten, he wants to adopt international working standards into Active User: Professionalism, speed and customer first.
The most important thing he always wants to protect 'Think for others'

Dinh Manh Cuong
Software engineer
The best way to predict the future is to create it. That is his motto and characteristic. He have never dreamed about future, he works for it that's all what he want to say about him self.
Nguyen Thanh Tung
Senior Full stack Engineer
A great developer starts from doing small thing with all of his enthusiasm, happiness as well as responsibility, optimize each pixel and each line of code is one way to train the soul and mind. Doing great or don't do it.
Hồ Thị Tú
Marketing Manager
Open mind, honest!